Waltrip Class of 1968
Our reunion will be at the
Pavilion on Gessner
2500 N. Gessner
Houston, TX 77080
Saturday September 29, 2018
7:00 PM to 12:00 AM
Dinner: 7-8 ( menu to come)
Social (Music and Dance) 8-12
Dress: Casual to after 5
Plenty of FREE parking in front of Pavilion and Security is on duty
$68.00 per person. Tickets are to be bought in advance by 8-1-18.
$75.00 per person at the door (food availability maybe limited at door)
Tickets may be purchased by either check/money order or through your PayPal account.
Checks are to be made payable to: Waltrip Class of 1968 and mailed to 308 E. State St Eagle Lake, Texas 77434
PayPal: Access your PayPal account, Click on SEND AND REQUEST, enter the class's email address: waltripclassof1968@gmail.com, Click on our popup email address, enter the amount of your ticket(s) purchase, also on this page, in the NOTE SECTION please enter your name and any guest(s) name and/or other classmates tickets you are paying for, Click CONTINUE, Click SEND PAYMENT NOW, and last SUBMIT (on this page PayPal will ask info about purchase...click on TICKETS or OTHER AND OTHER on place. Also there is no fee for you to purchase your tickets through PayPal. The fee is charged to the class. That's it!
*Please know that these events are very costly and continue to increase each reunion. The ticket price is set to cover our expenses for each event. Our class reunion events are classified as a non-profit organization. Also know that several of your classmates have paid down payments/deposits in the thousands for this event. By getting your payments in on time, it will help us accurately plan this event and also to reimburse the classmates who have paid these large deposits from their own pockets. If you have any problems with making the deadline, please contact us. We will try our best to work with you.
Your reunion contacts are: Lucy Payne Capps, Mary King Laborde, Karen Mackay, Brenda Naumen Johnston and Brian Lyons.
You may contact any of us at our class email address: waltripclassof1968@gmail.com, on FaceBook Waltrip High School Class of 1968 , on Classmates.com or on the Waltrip Alumni website.
* We want our 50th reunion to be special and to send everyone an invitation. We are working hard to find and contact everyone. Please forward this invite to other classmates. We do not have everyone’s contact/email info. Many have moved, retired…addresses, emails and phone numbers have changed. The email is the most important. It's easy, less expensive and less time consuming than mailing. Thanks for helping. Hope to see you in September.