Waltrip Alumni Association



Welcome Waltrip Alumni and Friends of S.P. Waltrip High School!
Alumni and friends who select the Free Membership level
will not have voting privileges in our association
but still are able to utilize our web site with full functions.

Alumni and friends who select an Annual Dues Membership level
will have voting privileges in our association.

Membership fees are the lifeblood of our Alumni Association. Without them there would be no web site, no database, no newsletter, no alumni events, and very little in the way of gifts to the school.  Please consider becoming a paid member.  Members, at any membership level, will receive information about all of our major events, our newsletters, the listing of your name in our major publications, and most of all, our gratitude! Members will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are responsible for all that we do for the school, the alumni, the students, and the Waltrip community.

As in the spirit of all online communities, we have a few requirements. 
See Registration Terms of Agreement and AGREE.


Please include the requested information on the form to complete your application. 

After you receive your registration approval email, return to our web site, and log in. 
Review your profile and reset your password to whatever you like and you're set. 
Thanks for your support. 


If you ARE NOT paying your yearly membership online using PayPal or a credit card,
choose the "manual" option on the payment screen and mail your
check payable to "Waltrip Alumni Association" to this address:

Waltrip Alumni Association, Inc.
P.O.Box 924212
Houston, TX  77292-4212

NOTE: The Waltrip Alumni Association, Inc. has been determined to be a publicly supported organization by the Internal Revenue Service. This designation allows all contributions to the Scholarship Fund, Faculty/Teacher Stipend Fund, Campus Capital Improvement Fund, or General Operating Fund, to be tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal law by the donor.

Tax Deductible Dues:  Alumni Association membership dues are tax deductible for individuals who itemize deductions. Please consult your tax adviser for details. The Alumni Association will mail a receipt if your membership dues payment is $250 or more. If your dues payment is less than $250, your credit card statement, receipt you received when you joined, or canceled check will serve as a receipt for your tax returns.

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

| Welcome | Association | Alumni | Reunions | Communicate | Groups/Photos | Membership Registration | Public Member Directory | Members Only |
| Local Links   | Contact Us | Help Desk  | Member Feedback | Alumni Spirit Store | Legal Notice |

Copyright © 2010-2024  Waltrip Alumni Association, Inc. , a 501 (c) (3)  tax-exempt nonprofit organization – All Rights Reserved 
P.O. Box 924212
Houston, Texas  77292-4212

Terms of Use and Privacy Notice

Web Site powered by: WildApricot.com (referral link)

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software